This achievement can be completed once the main character gets number magnets in 2013. By arranging the magnets on the fridge to write out “1 + 2 = 3,” players will unlock this Sticker. Brilliantly Solved - Solve a math equation.Hanging it back up will unlock this achievement. When the main character moves back to their childhood home in 2012, one of the posters from the 1997 stage of this indie game is rolled up in the cabinet. Rediscover Childhood - Hang up a childhood poster.Players can earn this Sticker in the 2010 house by placing and organizing all of the boyfriend’s socks and underwear in one drawer. Tidy Whities - Organize his underwear drawer.Since none of the handheld consoles can be turned on, they won’t work for this achievement. In any of the houses with a television, players will find either a Nintendo GameCube or Wii that can be switched on to display the title screen of a different game. The MP3 players do not work for this achievement. Each one plays a different song, and the music can be heard from anywhere in the house. In each house, players can find a radio, record player, or speaker that will play music when players click on it.

Blast Some Tunes - Turn on a music player.In the kitchen of the 2010 house, players will have to place every item needed to make coffee on the counter, including the coffee beans, coffee grinder, electric tea kettle, espresso maker, espresso press, sugar, and a mug. Brew Some Coffee - This is one of the most involved achievements in Unpacking and requires several items to unlock.If the player places an electrical appliance, such as the toaster, hair straightener, or microwave in a sink or bathtub, they’ll unlock this Sticker. Electrical Hazard - Misplace an electrical appliance.After the main character of Unpacking gets a microwave in the 2013 house, players can change the time setting on it by pressing its buttons. 12:00 - Change the time on the microwave.In the 20 houses, the main character has a posable art mannequin, and players can click on it to change its pose. Strike A Pose - Make the mannequin dab.Less Than Three - Use the fridge magnets to spell out “I heart U.” This achievement can only be unlocked in the 20 houses after the main character’s girlfriend brings the letter magnets.In order to keep the cookie jar out of reach, players will have to place it on one of the highest shelves in the kitchen in the 2004, 2013, or 2018 houses, which are the only ones with shelves high enough to earn this Sticker. A Sometimes Food - Place the cookie jar out of reach.